The 13th International Symposium on Teacher Education in East Asia

Breakout Sessions

The Breakout Sessions of the 13th International Symposium on Teacher Education in East Asia shall focus on three themes:

I. Idea and Theoretical Research of the Next-Generation Education

II. Practice and Applied Research of the Next-Generation Education

III. International Exchanges and Collaborations among Universities of Teacher Education

We are inviting oral presenters for the breakout sessions, the details of which are as follows:

1. Deadline for abstract submission: on or before Friday, July 27

- Applicants for the oral presentation shall fill out the attached Oral Presentation Registration and Abstract Form (MS-Word file) and submit it by email through the person in charge in each university.

* Joint presentation by several presenters is also accepted. In this case, submit one abstract per presentation.

* The symposium executive committee shall choose the oral presenters on the basis of their application contents and inform the successful applicants by email.

2. Deadline for proceedings submission: on or before Tuesday, September 18

- Presenters shall prepare their proceedings in an MS-Word file (A4 size, 6 pages or less) and submit them by email.

- The manuscript format shall include "introduction," "main text," "conclusion," and "references."

- The working language is English.

3. Deadline for submission of data to be presented on the day: on and before Wednesday, October 10

- The presenters shall prepare the data in an MS-PowerPoint file (English) and submit them by email. On the day of the symposium, the presenters shall bring their data in a USB memory stick.

* The working language of the Breakout Sessions at the Symposium is English.
* The allotted time is 20 to 30 minutes per presentation, including the question-and-answer session.
* We also welcome applications from young researchers, including postdoctoral researchers and graduate students.

Email address for submission: