The 13th International Symposium on Teacher Education in East Asia

Poster Session

The Poster Session of the 13th International Symposium on Teacher Education in East Asia is encouraging applications from young researchers, including graduate students who shall be responsible for the next generation.
This symposium is a precious opportunity for researchers and experts of education and teacher education in East Asia to meet and exchange ideas. We are looking forward to many applications from all.

1. Applicants

Young researchers, including graduate students (master's program, doctoral program, professional degree program), doctoral research fellows, etc., are encouraged to apply.
* Applications from researchers who belong to the university teaching staff and incumbent schoolteachers are also welcome.
* Joint presentation by several presenters is also accepted.

2. Poster content

Education, teacher education, subject pedagogy, school subject content education, education practice report, etc.
* Posters shall contain previously unpublished material.

3. Poster format

Working language: English
Size: A0 size (841 x 1189 mm), one sheet

4. Presentation method

Presentation method: Each presenter shall make a presentation in front of his/her poster.
Working language: In principle, English. Use of the presenter's native language is also accepted.
* Posters are prepared on the basis of submitted data and displayed on the poster session day by the Symposium Secretariat.

5. Application guide

1) Deadline for abstract submission: on or before Friday, July 27

- Applicants for the poster presentation shall fill out the attached Poster Presentation Registration and Abstract Form (MS-Word file) and submit it by email through the person in charge in each university.

* In the case of joint presentation, submit one abstract per presentation.

* The symposium executive committee shall choose the poster presenters on the basis of their application contents and inform the successful applicants by email.

2) Deadline for submission of data to be presented on the day: on and before Wednesday, October 10

- The presenters shall prepare the data in an MS-PowerPoint file or JPG/JPEG/PDF format and submit them by email.

Email address for submission: